Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Home Remedies For Asthma - Get Rid Of Those Life - Threatening Asthma Danger Signs

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a lungs disease that causes breathing impairment in you due to blocked air passages. Asthma sufferers have highly sensitive airways, which constrict when they become irritated. This makes it difficult for the air to pass through the obstructed airways. The main factors responsible for severe asthma attacks are allergens, irritants or anxiety, low blood pressure, extreme arid or moist environments or stress.

You will find numerous pharmaceutical drugs used for asthma control, either to minimize swelling and mucus production in the airways, or to sooth smooth muscle around the airways. But unfortunately, these drugs have many life-threatening side effects, especially in cases of prolonged usage.

The good news is that you can go for a natural asthma control without going for these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs that ruin your body.

The natural cures for asthma comprises of a combination of lifestyle and a balanced diet, that are designed to build up your immune system, and prevent you from future asthma attacks.

Now, before we go for the natural cures for asthma, here are some cautions for you to apply first:

1. Avoid dairy and starchy products

Start this today only. Both these things are said to increase the symptoms of asthma and make it worse.

2. Say no to Preservatives

Just forget about the food products with preservatives. They destroy your resistance completely making you highly asthmatic.

Natural Cures For Asthma

Now, lets move ahead with the hidden treasures in our nature around us. Below are the richest collection of the natural cures for asthma for all you out there who are desperate to lead a young and healthy life free from asthma problems:

1. Honey

Honey is the one of the most effective home remedies for asthma. Normally, it is believed that an asthma patient gets great relief in breathing if a jug of honey is brought closer to the nose and the patient has to inhale the air coming in contact. Or there is another option for an asthma patient to consume honey directly. Just take one teaspoon honey while going to bed in winters. This increases your resistance to cold climate.

2. Drumstick Leaves

Prepare a soup of these drumstick leaves and consume it daily for the best results. Here is the recipe for the soup - Take a handful of drumstick leaves and add them to 180 ml of water and boil it for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool and then add a little salt, pepper and lime juice to it according to your taste.

3. Lemon

Lemon is considered one among the best remedies in the treatment of asthma. Take one lemon juice and dilute it in a glass of water and take it with your every meal. This home remedy for asthma will definitely bring good results.

4. Bishop's Weed

Take 1/2 teaspoon of bishop's weed and mix it in a glass of buttermilk. Take this for twice daily. It is one of the natural cures for asthma that is much relied upon for relieving difficult expectoration caused by dried-up phlegm. Use a hot poultice of the seeds for dry fomentation to the chest twice daily. Or inhale steam twice a day from boiling water mixed with ajwain as this will dilate your bronchial passages.

5. Bitter Gourd Roots

Bitter Gourd Roots has proven its effectiveness time by time. This plant has been used as a basic medicine for asthma since ancient times. Make a paste of this bitter gourd roots and mix with honey or juice of the tulsi leaves (say 1-1 teaspoon both). Take once every night for at least a month. It acts as an excellent home remedy for asthma.

6. Figs

Figs is a great fruit used for asthma treatment. Figs prove to be extremely beneficial in removing the phlegm from the lungs of an asthmatic patient. Take 3 to 4 figs and clean them thoroughly with warm water. Now soak them overnight and consume in the morning.

7. Ginger

Yes, now this is what we call the perfect home remedy for asthma. Take a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice and mix it with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste. This proves to be an excellent natural cure for asthma. You can make fenugreek decoction by mixing 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds with a cup full of water. Take this asthma medication once in the morning and once in the evening.

8. Garlic

Take ten garlic cloves and boil them in 30 ml of milk. This makes a superbly effective natural cure for asthma (early stages). Take this mixture once daily for the best results. Steam ginger tea with two minced garlic cloves in it and see the results you get. Amazing! Take this twice everyday, once in the morning and once in the evening.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most effective natural cures for asthma. Take 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and dilute it in water after your meal, or at bed-time (or both). This will help you on how to get rid of asthma. Most of the asthma sufferers have reported relief the very first day they went for it. Apple Cider Vinegar also helps you to beat acid reflux, acne and allergies.

10. Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry is beneficial in the treatment of asthma if taken in certain variations- Take 5 gms of gooseberry and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey. This makes an effective medicinal tonic or home remedy for the treatment of asthma. Do consume it every morning.

11. Vitamin B12

A pill of Vitamin B12 helps you in treatment of asthma quickly. Most of the people find relief within a few days of the intake of this supplement of Vitamin B12. Also this makes you more energetic and mentally active.

12. Safflower

Safflower seeds are very effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Take 1/2 teaspoon of powder of the dry seeds and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey. You can take this once or twice a day as a home remedy for asthma. A mixture of 5 gms of flowers mixed with one tablespoon of honey, if taken once daily, can also prove to be a great home remedy for asthma.

Just go for these home remedies for asthma and pray to God to make your life free from all these physical problems. Because this life is too short to waste it in these meaningless diseases and stresses. Just give a meaning to your existence and do not let these physical problems dominate your personality and your relationships. Just move ahead and get a new you!

May God Bless You!

Navneet Brar is one of the very few who love to help others in need, just by sharing useful information on anything and everything on internet for FREE. So, make lifetime benefits through the best information on asthma control and what causes asthma [http://health.top54u.com/post/What-Causes-Asthma.aspx]. And to know more about anything you desire for, kindly visit his website www.top54u.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Navneet_Brar/126502
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/802324

Monday, January 18, 2016

Major Causes of Asthma Which You Must Know

Cough, Cough, Cough

You know it is not just a bad cough when you keep on coughing to the extent that you are wheezing for air. You might have asthma.

Now, asthma is a disorder that affects the airways or the bronchial tubes in your lungs. The name itself hails from the Greek "to breathe hard". And indeed, for people who have asthma, they know how difficult they have to breathe just to get enough air into them.

To pinpoint asthma causes, one has to look at the different types of asthma: allergic asthma, intrinsic asthma, asthma caused by exercise, nocturnal asthma, work-induced/occupational asthma and steroid-resistant asthma.

Let's focus at the more common asthma causes: allergies, exercise and stress.

It's Not Just Itch!

One of the most common asthma causes is triggered by allergies. Allergies frequently affect children and it causes asthma that causes parents to worry (and send their young children immediately to the doctor's or the pediatrician). Allergens are the frequent asthma causes for childhood asthma.

Dust mites, pollen, cat fur and smoke are some allergens that would trigger asthma in sufferers. Normally, the only prevention for asthma sufferer is to avoid these allergens at all causes.

Cat fur is the most common allergen, as it is very fine and extremely potent for people with allergies or sensitivities. It is bad news for people who love cats and might already have one or two felines at home. It is either you give the cat away to another family who are not allergic or that you have to keep the house very clean with constant cleaning.

Dust mites are microscope creatures that feed on dead skin flakes and they thrive on areas like your bed, your bed-sheets, pillows and fabrics. Often as such, asthma sufferers end up wheezing, because of the dust mites present in the very clothes they are wearing or the beds they are sleeping on. To prevent further asthma attacks, change the pillows and fabrics to anti-dust mite ones.

Pollen is given forth by flowers and it is most prevalent during springtime. For some, it might be hay fever. For others, it might just trigger a bout of allergic asthma.

Because these allergens are so minute, it is often difficult to stop these tiny asthma causes, other than removing the sources all together.

Puffing, Puffing

For some, exercise or even stress can trigger off an asthma attack. Exercise, though positive and even invigorating, can contribute to a loss of heat and loss of moisture in the lungs, causing the individual to cough. Stress also has similar effects on the lungs.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the people suffering from asthma caused by exercise have family histories of allergies and are allergic themselves. You might say that they are already predisposed or more susceptible to asthma causes.

Stress or emotional upheaval can cause an individual to end up having asthma as well. We cannot stop stress and emotional upheavals from happening - the best thing for the sufferer is to be able to remain calm and breathe normally. Breathing quickly would just worsen the symptoms and turn the asthma into a full-blown attack. It is also likely that people who are prone to allergies might also be triggered off by stress or emotional upheaval.

These asthma causes can be maintained by medication and a fair bit of common sense. Know your body well and if your asthma is made worse by cold and dry conditions (when you exercise), it is wise therefore to make the decision not to exercise in such conditions. For stress, remain calm and remember to breathe normally.

Know Your Body

It is important to understand your body and how it works, especially if you are an asthma sufferer or are prone to allergens. If you are unsure about seeking treatment, go and talk to your family doctor. Or, if you are more inclined towards natural or herbal remedies, talk to your herbalist or natural medicine practitioners for helpful tips and pointers.

It is also crucial to do more research and reading-up on asthma. Most importantly, look for asthma support groups who might have just the right blend of help and cures for you.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Causes of Asthma at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/asthma/asthma-medication.htm. AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are worried about your pet's health then read Dogs and Cats Asthma [http://www.pets.ayurvediccure.com/asthma.htm]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr_John_Anne/19736
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/805923

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Asthma Diet: Is It A Hoax Or Not?

Did you know that an asthma diet can eliminate the risk of having asthma attacks? If you are asthmatic, you must be wondering if it is even possible. But if you study your condition closely, you will realize that asthma attacks only happen when it is triggered. Therefore, it can be avoided if you prevent yourself from the triggers. Asthma is a disease that can't be truly taken out of our body but it can definitely be controlled when you follow the proper methods. Avoiding the triggering factors of asthma may be the most effective means to control it. An asthma diet includes all the systematic means to avoid asthma attacks. A walk through this article will shed light on these methods.

What To Consider In Preparing A Diet?

Having an asthma diet requires a thorough preparation. In needs you to consider all the factors that may trigger asthma attacks and all the remedies that may be used in trying to counter the attack. In the following list are the steps in making a better diet plan:

* Maintain a healthy food and physical diet. One of the things that cause asthma is food. You see, asthma is a respiratory disease that affects the passage ways of air that you breathe. This means that if you are fond of eating fatty foods that lets you gain weight, you will be affecting the space that your respiratory system need. When an asthma attack happens, an obese person may have a hard time retrieving his breaths because his lungs are pressed with excess fats. Exercise and avoiding too much work also help.

* Allergy-causing food must be avoided. Foods often trigger allergies which are one of the most commonly known causes of asthma. Make list of these allergy-causing foods and try to avoid them every time you eat. This is also a good way of reminding you what to eat and what not to eat. Make the list handy so you can remind yourself.

* Visit your Doctor. Make a professional diagnosis about what type of asthma are you having. This is helpful in pointing out the proper actions and things that you must avoid. This also gives you a clear idea as to what kind of asthma diet that you should follow.

* Make your medications handy. One of the things why asthma diet is important is you get to make a list of the medications that you need. An asthma attack can happen anytime. So, making your medications handy is necessary. You don't want to be caught off-guard when having an attack. Asthma inhalers, for instance, should always be available whether in your pocket or in your bag. These medications prevent the damage that asthma posses.

* Observe your asthma. Asthma often develops as time goes. A mild asthma may evolve to a more serious one and vice versa. A change can affect even the type of asthma inhaler that you are using. It is important to keep track of its development so that you can adjust your asthma diet and medications.

It Is Your Best Defense

Your asthma diet is your best defense to the risk of asthma-caused damages. They are truly possible if prepared well. If you are asthmatic, there is no better way of trying to counter the ill effects of asthma to you than having a diet that both counters and prevents asthma. Start by knowing yourself well and by visiting your doctor today!

Asthma Diet can be achieved if you have the proper Asthma Inhaler that your doctor have prescribed. You can visit the author's website for more information about asthma.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chee_Kin_Ho/258334
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6821200

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Look No Further For A Natural Asthma Treatment

Asthma is an airway condition that has rapidly increased in prevalence over the last couple of decades. This may be due to the increase in pollution, toxins and triggers in our environment. However, with the increase in prevalence there is an increased motivation to find treatments to relieve and cure asthma. Presently asthma is incurable and treated by medications and pharmaceuticals that are required for the rest of the patient's life. Conventional medicine although effective at reducing inflammation and temporarily dilating the airways, has a potential risk for side effects. Additionally, there is no long-term solution with bronchodilators and asthma inhalers. In the search to cure asthma, natural and alternative approaches are being broached to relieve and eliminate symptoms, frequency and progression of this disorder. Some of the alternative treatments that are showing benefits include breathing exercises, diet, exercise, homeopathy, vitamin and herbal supplementation, acupuncture, yoga, chiropractic, massage therapy, and biofeedback.

Diet - Much like the air we breathe, the environment we surround ourselves with and the company we keep, the food that we eat affects our asthma just as much. Food is our bodies natural fuel source for energy however not all foods are used the same way in the body. Some foods worsen asthma symptoms where as other foods help to alleviate asthma symptoms. Food allergies are one of the many triggers of asthma. It is important to determine which foods cause an allergic reaction so you can eliminate them from your diet. Once these foods are removed your asthma symptoms should be greatly diminished. Foods that worsen asthma include saturated fat, salty foods, additives, preservatives, and dairy products. Saturated fats are found in red meats, shellfish, egg yolks and butter. When consumed these foods cause an inflammation response from the bodies immune system which can worsen and even cause an as asthma attack. Increased sodium levels and diets high in slat also cause inflammation within the body. Artificial sweeteners, food preservatives, and food coloring such as aspartame, sulfites, benzoates and yellow dye #5 can cause increased asthma symptoms. Dairy products increase mucus production, which worsens asthma. Eliminating milk, cheese and other cultured milk products from your diet can help to minimize your asthma symptoms. It will be necessary to supplement your diet with other sources of calcium and vitamin d.

While these foods aggravate asthma there are foods that help to alleviate asthma symptoms. Consuming fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation, increase lung function, and relieve asthma symptoms. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with a great source of fuel for energy as well as providing a ton of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Tomatoes, carrots, pineapples, apples and leafy green vegetables are examples of fruits and vegetables that should be included in a daily diet to lower the prevalence of asthma. Three to five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables should be eaten everyday. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our health, however they cannot be synthesized in the body, therefore must be consumed through the foods we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits such as increasing brain function, growth and development, reducing the risk for chronic diseases and reducing inflammation, which can lead to asthma symptoms. Examples of omega-3 fatty acids that are nutritionally important are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These polyunsaturated fats help to reduce inflammation caused by saturated fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish such as salmon, tuna and halibut, flaxseed, nut oils, algae, krill and some plants.

Herbs - A naturopathic and holistic path of relieving asthma symptoms includes the use of herbs. Herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years in many different cultures. In some countries, herbal remedies are used as the primary asthma treatment as opposed to traditional prescription medication. Research is still being done on herbs to determine their beneficial factors. Some herbs that have shown promise in alleviating asthma symptoms include butterbur, dried ivy, ginkgo, tylophora, Indian frankincense, boswellia, kotuku, and grape seed. These herbs act as anti-inflammatories, which stop the narrowing of the airways, which occurs during an asthma attack. In many studies, the number duration and severity of asthma attacks decreased and symptoms improved after using herbal remedies. Some considerations before starting the use of herbal remedies are the quality of the herbs, side effects and drug interactions that can occur. Therefore its best to consult with an herbalist or doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine before taking any herbal remedy.

Homeopathy - Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that stimulates the bodies innate self healing response by using infinitesimal doses of natural substances that cause symptoms. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine, which uses all natural ingredients from plants and animals. The idea of homeopathy is long term complete healing of a disease, rather than short-term relief. This type of healing boosts the body's immune system and cellular function making it easier to avoid a recurrence or relapse of the same symptoms or disease. For asthma sufferers the homeopathic remedies would include substances that generally trigger an asthma attack such as pollen or weeds. Because the doses are so small it will not cause a full on asthma attack but encourage the bodies immune system to eliminate the substance, which strengthens the body and lungs.

Breathing Exercises - Asthma is an airway condition, which constricts the lungs and increases inflammation causing an inability to breathe. Because breathing is essential to life finding a way to minimize the symptoms of asthma to allow for easier breathing is quite important as well. Many triggers for asthma come from the environment however some can be psychological such as fear, anxiety and stress. Therefore alternative practices such as breathing exercises and stress management can help to reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms. Although traditional medicine gives no scientific backing to these methods, studies are still being done to determine just how effective breathing exercises can be to reduce asthma. The four main breathing exercises include Buteyko breathing techniques, the Papworth method, yoga breathing (pranayama) and inspiratory muscle training. Each method has shown signs of having the ability to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms with the possibility of decreasing the use of asthma medications. Consult your doctor before stopping any of your asthma medications.

The Buteyko method is based on the assumption that asthma is caused by chronic hyperventilation or over breathing. To correct it this technique focuses on breathing retraining. Hyperventilation leads to low carbon dioxide levels in the blood, so by raising these levels through shallow breathing you can eliminate asthma symptoms. The main objection of Buteyko is to normalize breathing through three principles: nasal breathing, reduced breathing and relaxation.

Nasal breathing is very important for the body as it protects the airways by warming, humidifying and cleaning the air before reaching the lungs. Additionally nasal breathing maintains appropriate levels of carbon dioxide and nitric oxide in the lungs. Although very important for asthmatics to increase nasal breathing it isn't to enough along to completely reduce asthma. Reduced breathing involves breath control, where you consciously reduce your breathing rate and volume. To do this Buteyko uses an exercise called control pause. This is the amount of time someone can comfortably hold his or her breath after a normal exhale. Overtime control pause and nasal breathing will become instinctive and work in unison to decrease asthma symptoms. Lastly relaxation is used if and when an asthma attack occurs. At the very start of an asthma attack its normal for the breathing to become short and rapid causing the person to hyperventilate. However, if they can overcome this over breathing phase by controlling their breathing, they can eliminate an asthma attack all together.

The Papworth method much like the Buteyko method was developed to control over breathing and uses techniques such as nasal breathing and relaxation however its main idea centers around deep belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing encourages more relaxed, gentler breathing, which uses the diaphragm and abdomen rather than the chest.

One of the basic principles of yoga is pranayama-yoga breathing. Yoga breathing teaches deep, slow, steady breathing. In addition to yoga's breathing techniques it improves fitness and reduces stress which are triggers of asthma. Yoga is an alternative exercise and treatment to reduce asthma.

Inspiratory muscle training is a breathing technique used to strengthen the lung muscles marking it easier to breathe. These breathing exercises are not only used as a natural asthma treatment but also in the management of COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, heart failure treatment and after certain types of surgery. Additionally inspiratory muscle training can be used for improving sports performance and exercise endurance.

Exercise - Exercise keeps the body strong and physically fit. For people with asthma, regular exercise especially aerobic exercise strengthens the lungs and stretches the bronchial tubes which makes it easier to breath and diminishes the resistance to breathing. In addition, exercise reduces excess weight, which can be a risk factor to developing asthma. Overall exercise and an active lifestyle can prevent asthma symptoms.

Relaxation therapy - Relaxation techniques target the stressor that triggers an asthma attack. By reducing the stress and learning ways to cope with stress, patients can learn ways to avoid and reduce the occurrence of asthma as attacks. Relaxation therapy includes several disciplines such as mediation, biofeedback, and hypnosis.

Biofeedback training teaches one how to consciously control your body's vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. These body functions are e normally unconsciously controlled by the Autonomic nervous system. However, by monitoring these functions through electronic devices you can retrain your body to get a desired response. For asthmatics, biofeedback is a great tool especially when an attack occurs. The patient can learn to use relaxation, mediation and visualization to increase the amount of inhaled air to reduce the fear and anxiety of an asthma attack.

Meditation can be used to help with asthma in several areas of the condition. First medication is all about quieting the mind. When this is achieved the body and mind are completely relaxed, blood pressure lowers, heart rate decreases and blood flow increases. For asthmatics relaxation reduces the trigger that cause an attack. Secondly, active meditation allows the mind to focus its awareness on a direct object. Many focus on breathing, especially asthma sufferers. This strengthens the lungs and enhances lung capacity.

Whether you believe in it or you think it's a hoax, hypnosis has been used for many different ailments such as weight loss, smoking and even asthma. Hypnosis is an artificially induced trance where a person becomes more aware, focused and open to suggestion. People, who are more highly susceptible, show more improvement with this technique. Therefore hypnosis is not a recommended treatment for all people. However, studies did show an increase in bronchial hyper responsiveness, improvement in asthma symptoms and a decrease in the use of asthma medications.

Chiropractic - Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that our bodies nervous system has the ability to heal itself. However, when spinal vertebrae become misaligned the nervous system is unable to do its job. Therefore a chiropractor manipulates the body to move the vertebrae back into place, allowing the nervous system to then heal the tissue around the previously subluxated vertebrae. In patients with asthma the objective of chiropractic is to increase motion in the thoracic cage, mobilize ribs, enhance arterial blood supply and lymphatic return, and increase nervous system activity. By reducing restriction of the vertebrae and muscles surrounding the spine, asthma symptoms will diminish by allowing the lungs to expand freely. Improvement was shown in the number of asthma attacks, medication use, quality of life and changes in asthma symptoms, when research was conducted. However, the data concluded that the improvements were not statistically significant enough to recommend chiropractic treatment as an alternative therapy for asthma sufferers. However, patients who receive massage feel more relaxed, with looser muscles and easier mobilization.

Massage Therapy - Massage therapy in patients with asthma have shown improvement in stress levels as well as increased lung function. Massage therapy opens up the pores, pushes out congestion and phlegm, and reduces heat and inflammation. For children who suffer with asthma, a 20-minute massage each night before bedtime has shown to increase peak airflow, improve pulmonary function, and lessen anxiety. Specific massage points on the neck, chest and arm target symptoms especially related to asthma.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient treatment originated in China thousands of years ago. The philosophy behind acupuncture is that the human body has a life force, which flows throughout the body in opposing forces, called the yin and yang. Diseases such as asthma are caused when the energy flow becomes blocked, imbalanced or stagnant in the body. Acupuncture relieves these illnesses through the placement of very thin, long needles, which care placed along the meridians, pathways in the body in relation to the symptoms of the disease. Such is the case with asthma; acupuncture needles are placed in the upper back, and hands. Although the research is in conclusive about the benefits acupuncture can have on asthma symptoms, it has shown improvement in some cases. Therefore if you are looking for an alternative treatment for asthma, you may want to consider acupuncture. You may be one of the lucky patients who finds relief and reduction of their asthma symptoms. Always use a reputable and licensed acupuncturists to avoid the risk of side effects due to improperly placed needles or sanitary concerns.

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! http://www.universalhealthinfo.com/Natural_Asthma_Treatment.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sarah_Labdar/601329
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6163256

Friday, January 15, 2016

Recognizing the Symptoms of Asthma in Children and Treatment of Asthma

Definition of Asthma

Asthma is a recurring condition in which certain stimuli cause the airways to narrow for a while so that makes a person having difficulty breathing.

Although asthma can occur at any age, but more often occurs in children, especially in children from the age of 5 years. Some children suffer from asthma until their adulthood. Most children who have asthma can still interact with its environment, except in the event of an asthma attack. Only a few children who are resistant to drugs to prevent asthma and need daily to be able to do sports and play normally.

Asthma Causes

For unclear reasons, children with asthma are usually reacting to certain stimuli (triggers). There are many factors that cause asthma attacks, but on each child usually causes (triggers) is different. Several factors trigger asthma attacks, namely indoor irritants, such as strong odors, irritant fumes (perfume, tobacco smoke); pollution from outside: cold air, exercise; emotional disturbance; respiratory infections due to viruses, and various kinds of substances which make children become allergic, such as animal dander, dust, pollen, and mold.

All of these triggers produce a similar reaction; certain cells in the airways release chemical substances. These substances cause the airways to become inflamed and swollen and stimulate the muscle cells in the airway walls to contract. Reduce stimulation with chemicals to increase production of mucus in the airways, making the spilling of cells lining the airways, and widen the muscle cells in the airway wall. Each reaction is triggered to the smaller airways suddenly (asthma attacks).In most children, the airway back to normal in between asthma attacks.

Risk Factors

Doctors do not fully understand why some children suffer from asthma, but a number of known risk factors. A child with one parent with asthma has an increased risk of 25% have asthma, if both parents have asthma, the risk increased to 50%. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to develop asthma.

Children in urban environments are more likely to have asthma, particularly if they come from lower socioeconomic groups. Although asthma affects a high percentage of black children compared with white children, the role of genetic influence in the increase of asthma is controversial because black children are also more likely to live in urban areas. Children are faced with high concentrations of allergens, like dust or cockroach droppings, at an early age are more likely to suffer from asthma. Children who suffer from bronchiolitis at an early age often wheezing with advanced viral infection. Wheezing first sound can be interpreted as asthma, but children are not more likely than others to have asthma during adolescence.

Asthma Symptoms

When airways constrict during an asthma attack, the child can be difficulty breathing, accompanied by his trademark sound wheezing. Wheezing is a loud noise that sounded high when the child breathes. Not all asthma attacks wheezing produce sounds, however. Mild asthma, particularly in young children, could only produce a cough; some older children with mild asthma tend to cough only during exercise or when exposed to cold air.

Also, children with acute asthma may not wheeze because of too little air flow to generate noise. In acute asthma, breathing becomes difficult sincerely, sound wheezing usually becomes tighter, and the child is breathing rapidly and with greater effort, and ribs prominent when the child is breathing (inspiration). With acute attacks, the child gasping for breath and sat upright, leaning forward. Sweating and pale skin or blue.

Children with frequent acute attacks sometimes have a slow development, but their growth is usually chasing another child in adulthood.


A doctor suspected asthma in children who have wheezing repetitive, particularly when family members are known to have asthma or allergies. Children who wheezing events can often be tested for other disorders, such as fiber or gastro esophageal recurrent cysts. Older children sometimes perform lung function tests, although the stout children lung function is normal between relapses.

One of half or more of children with asthma control. Those with more severe disease were more likely to have asthma as a teenager.

Asthma Treatment

Older children or teenagers can recognize asthma often have to use a peak flow meter, a small tool that records how fast a person can blow air-to measure the level of airway disorders. This tool can be used as an objective assessment of the condition of the child.

Treatment of a severe attack consists of opening the airways (bronchodilation) and stops the inflammation. Various kinds of inhaled medications to open airways (bronchodilator). This particular example is albuterol and ipratropium. Older children and teenagers are usually able to use these drugs using metered dose inhalation device. Children older than 8 years or often find it easy to use inhalation with a spacer or buffer room installed. Infants and very young children can sometimes use a spacer when inhaled and infant size masks fitted.

Children who do not use inhalation devices can receive inhaled drugs at home through a mask mounted on a nebulizer, a small tool that generates steam cure using compressed air. Tool inhalation and nebulizer are equally effective at removing the drug. Albuterol can also be used with the mouth, although this activity was not much more successful than inhalation and are usually used only in infants who did not use the nebulizer. Children who are experiencing severe attacks can also be administered via oral corticosteroids.

Children with severe attacks were treated in hospital by providing a bronchodilator in the nebulizer at least every 20 minutes at first. Sometimes the doctor uses an injection of epinephrine, a bronchodilator, in children with severe attacks if they cannot breathe well enough on the steam nebulizer. Doctors usually give intravenous corticosteroids to children who have severe attacks.

Children who suffer from mild asthma, with infrequent attacks typically use medication only during the attack. Children with frequent or severe attacks also need to use drugs even when they are not under attack.

Other drugs used, based on the frequency and severity of attacks in children. Children with infrequent attacks that are not too bad usually use inhaled drugs, such as cromolyn or nedocromil, or a low dose of inhaled corticosteroids daily to help prevent attacks. These drugs prevent the release of chemicals that harm the airways, and reduce inflammation. Preparing to use the old theophylline is an inexpensive option for prevention in some children.

Children with recurrent or more severe also receive one or more drugs, including long-term bronchodilator such as salmeterol, leukotriene modifiers, such as zafirlukast or montelukast, and inhaled corticosteroids. If these drugs do not prevent the onslaught, the child may require inhaled corticosteroids by mouth. Children who experienced great develop during exercise usually inhale a bronchodilator dose just prior to exercise.

To get an explanation of the asthma check this out: Asthma Treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Anita_Wibowo/1229922
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6732941

Considerations on Asthma Drug and Pregnancy

An asthma persistent has especially touchy air entries, or aviation routes, bringing about troublesome relaxing for the patient when these air sections are aggravated from a presented substance or air change.

Asthma medicines much of the time should be evaluated by a patient's doctor keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee that the solution keeps on being viable for the patient in controlling and keeping the onset of asthma assaults.

Numerous patients will require a safeguard or receptive solution, as well as a custom-made mix of both sorts of prescriptions so as to furnish them with most extreme help from their sickness. Most doctors concur that the coveted result it to get the greatest help from the base measure of solution.

There is as of now no cure accessible for asthma, however new revelations in the medicinal exploration field are expanding the drugs and procedures used to screen and treat asthma in patients with the sickness.

Among both kids and grown-ups, asthma is a standout amongst the most well-known incessant ailments in nations including the United States and quite a bit of Europe. Since asthma is viewed as a ceaseless disease, treatment regimens for patients must be taken after as needs be keeping in mind the end goal to diminish the influences and progressing wellbeing issues that can come about because of blunder of the condition.

Pregnant ladies who experience the ill effects of asthma need to screen and treat their asthma effectively for their own particular wellbeing as well as for that of their unborn kid. It is maybe never more essential for a lady asthmatic to stay in contact with their treating doctor than when they are pregnant.

Despite the fact that there is much worry of the wellbeing of medicines taken amid pregnancy, a large portion of the ordinarily utilized asthma meds have been ended up being both protected and compelling. Albeit no new asthma medicines (or different pharmaceuticals, so far as that is concerned) will ever experience direct testing on pregnant ladies because of the genuine dangers and suggestions confronting the creating organization.

Some asthma drugs have demonstrated through rehashed utilization over numerous years, that they are not just viable in treating asthma and safe for the unborn youngster, additionally that they give security of the unborn kid from distresses such as oxygen hardship that may happen as a consequence of the mother's asthma condition.

Doctors and specialists concur that it is basic for pregnant ladies to proceed with their treatment arrangement for their asthma. There is no danger connected with treatment medicines that is sufficiently huge to check the advantages to the unborn child as a consequence of keeping its mom sound.
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