Friday, June 12, 2015

How to Overcome and Eliminate Asthma

How to Overcome and Treat Asthma - Among the efforts to eliminate the disease of asthma that is now widely used in the general population, namely the use of breathing apparatus or inheler, but here we provide a natural step in eliminating the disease of asthma.

Glance regarding asthma, also called wheezing illnesses, asthma is a respiratory problem in the form of allergies or sensitive to something that enters the body whether dust or cold. Asthma patients can experience difficulty breathing and feel tightness in the chest. Biasanynya cough during breathing and sounds high but audible narrowed.

People living with asthma can feel that the quality of life will be affected much less life-threatening asthma should therefore be known to the things that are needed to handle it. Asthma can actually be managed.

Here's How to Overcome and Treat Asthma

1. Avocado

Avocados are known to contain the highest concentration of L-glutathione is an anti-asthma foods that can make cells protection against damaged caused by free radicals, and detoxify the body from pollutants and other risky substances. L-glutathione in avocado can also help quells systemic inflammation and repair of damaged intestinal health. A system which in turn helps to avoid the causes of asthma.

2. Cabbage
Cabbage is a natural source of vitamin C which have unique strengths and blocking free radicals responsible for the contraction of airway smooth muscle in the side. Cabbage is also a source of phytochemical beta-carotene as a powerful antioxidant to reduce the signs of asthma or prevent it.

3. Spinach
A study involving 68 535 participants were women showed that high consumption of spinach linked immediately with the shrinking of the risk of asthma. These results might be supported by the fact that the high content of vitamin spinach. c, beta-carotene, vit. E, and magnesium.

4. Bananas
According to a study conducted in 2011 by researchers from Imperial College London, eating bananas every day can prevent asthma. The study found that children who eat a banana one day, a natural reduction in the risk of asthma signs like wheezing up to approximately 34%.

5. Water
Most people who are diagnosed with asthma, because the situation is usually due to dehydration. according to some experts, the signs of asthma that prefix begins as a warning that the body requires water. until you need to meet the needs of water every day to avoid the development of signs of asthma.

6. Ginger
herb ginger is a powerful anti-asthmatic, especially some people mention that the added benefits better than antihistamines like benadryl while cleaning the air of the channel and stop the inflammation.

fiber and antioxidant character make ginger can be a powerful medicine without causing side effects that are at risk, which means safe for you to add it to in the daily food and drink for good health.

7. Turmeric

anti-inflammatory active ingredient in turmeric can also handle the inflammation responsible for the swelling of the lungs and respiratory tract constriction along an asthma attack. due to help dilate blood vessels and relax the muscles, turmeric is a powerful weapon while preventing a recurrence of the signs of asthma.

8. Apples
apple contains quersetin that have been proven to give strong protection in asthma. something of a European study found that pregnant women who consume at least four apples per week, 53% lower in the risk of having a child with asthma.

Another step How to Treat Asthma:

1. Coffee consumption
How to cope with Asthma
someone warm coffee consumption time asthma relapse, can help someone relieve crowded. This subject has been widely known because of the coffee, as well as an efficient channel for open air of the oppressed in the chest.

2. Inhale the aroma of rich oil and white
if you have felt the signs of asthma can appear, quickly inhaling the scent of eucalyptus oil. article aroma white rich oil can calm the nerves. until he could avoid asthma recur, or can melapangankan your breath when an asthma attack.

3. Drinking juice of basil leaves and honey
Another step that can handle an asthma attack, you can consume basil leaf juice combined with honey. This subject can be demonstrated to help patients suffering asthma and respiratory restore the situation back to normal.

4. Do not panic
Do not panic if the asthma that you had already relapsed, the article can only worsen panic circulation of your breathing. Therefore, in appropriate conditions, it is advisable kept quiet and began slowly inhale oxygen from the nose and exhale through the mouth. this takes about your situation can be done so much more good. moment, when the situation has improved, you can immediately contact a doctor or call someone to want help.

5. Away from the crowded and dusty area
if someone experienced an asthma attack, best step is to go into the open. goal so that you can breathe freely, did not know while sitting or standing.

6. Scroll to a warm area

sometimes, the cold also causes a person's asthma relapse, then hurry up sliding into the area the air is warmer or humid. the goal in order to relieve your shortness of breath due to asthma, or asthma avoid relapse.

7. Reduce and manage stress.
Stress is another factor that can make asthma worse. to help manage stress, some methods like massage, meditation, regular exercise, and yoga can be tried.

8. Getting the right exercise.
good aerobic exercise done by people who live with asthma. This exercise includes jogging or walking in the morning.
However, do not be too excessive during exercise. too excessive exercise can make the body fatigue that can cause asthma attacks. ask your doctor about the type and intensity of exercise that fits.

9. Maintain good sanitation at more or less the living area.
people who live with asthma should try to make the home environment as clean as perhaps.
make sure the bathrooms are clean, not humid, or overgrown with fungus. Also make sure all the rooms of the house to obtain adequate ventilation.

10. Stay away from spray insecticide.
a patient with asthma should avoid insecticide sprays and pesticides that can disrupt the respiratory tract. when pingin kill insects in the home, use other measures not only wear insect venom. spray insecticide only can cause asthma attacks

11. Use the air filter ac.
dust can be the cause of asthma. flying debris when ac turned on its own can be a problem for patients with asthma. be sure to put the air filter in ac to obtain clean air from dust.

12. Let breathing exercises.
Study how deep breathing can also help deal with the problem of asthma. trouble breathing are among the effects of asthma attacks as well as the study of how to manage this problem can be very helpful.

13. Adding to eating foods rich with vitamin a, b6, b12, vitamin. c, e, as well as omega-3.
build up the immune system with nutrient-rich foods like described above can help reduce the pain and the recurrence rate of asthma.

14. Quit smoking and stay away from cigarette smoke.
cigarette smoke can be the cause of asthma. then, stop smoking and stay away from cigarette smoke.

15. No pets.
when suffering from asthma, someone might pingin took the decision not to keep a pet at home. but if they have already have one, make sure to protect the house clean up of pet dander that can cause asthma

That description of How to Overcome and Eliminate Asthma may help and a speedy recovery.

Natural Medicines Asthma: Asthma Relief Tips with Honey and Ginger

Natural Medicines Asthma: Asthma Relief Tips with Honey and Ginger

There are various triggers or causes of asthma. The good news however, asthma can also be treated with a variety of different ways.

Of course, the best solution is ideally a natural solution.

Two natural ingredients to effectively relieve asthma is honey and ginger.
Honey for Asthma

Honey is very good for asthma. Honey helps dilute and remove mucus from the respiratory system.

Mucus that accumulates in the respiratory tract will impede the flow of air that can trigger asthma attacks or create worsened.

Here are some good honey herb to relieve asthma:

* One teaspoon of honey with water taken daily.

* One teaspoon of warm water plus a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder taken twice a day.

* One teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder taken once a day (either morning or evening).

* One tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of crushed garlic (garlic juice), and half a teaspoon of asafetida. Mix all these ingredients together and taken twice a day.

Ginger for Asthma

Ginger is also very good for asthma. Ginger can stop the inflammation.

Asthma occurs due to inflammation in the respiratory tract.

When mixed with certain ingredients, ginger can also act as an expectorant.

Ekspektoraan will help get rid of mucus from the respiratory system.

Here are some of the herb ginger for asthma:

* One teaspoon of ginger with one cup of herb fenugreek taken once a day.

* The juice of fresh ginger (jage mashed) mixed with honey taken once daily.

* Take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger, a teaspoon of cumin seeds, a pinch of nutmeg, and a glass of water. Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil. Drink potions while warm.
Effectiveness of Honey and Ginger

The effectiveness of honey and ginger as a natural asthma medication has been proven. But keep in mind, asthma is triggered by a variety of different factors.

That's because, necessary to test the herb species are most appropriately and effectively relieve asthma suit the particular conditions of a person.

Overall, honey and ginger are two effective natural ingredients that can be added to any herb.

Honey helps cleanse the respiratory system of mucus while ginger helps stop inflammation and mucus from the respiratory tract.

Asthma Disease Descent

Asthma Disease Descent - As we know that someone who has a derivative of asthmatics then the derivative was 80% risk of suffering from asthma. Many think that asthma is contagious, when in fact asthma is one disease that is a derivative. Shortness of asthma vary by asphyxiation generally. Tightness it upon exhaling, not exhaled. Difficulty breathing exhale making a sound typical of an asthma attack. Beep "ngik" exhaling, shortness of breath characteristic of asthma. Shortness of breath is not asthma without sound. And can also asthmatics is caused due to several factors including: the factors linggkungan, folusi contaminated or dirty air, food, and genetic factors are heredity. Asthma is also caused once had suffered severe lung infection, lung infection usually goes away by itself after the infection subsided. Depending on how severe the damage lung tissue spared infection / asthma. Peijuangan overcome the breathlessness of asthma can be up like a man facing death. Facial skin can get blue and gasping for breath, looking panicked. And so given the drug, the asthma attacks of breathlessness immediately subside in a matter of minutes.

Signs of chronic asthma

Signs of chronic asthma, among others:

Increasing the severity and frequency of signs and symptoms of asthma, decrease of the maximum average airflow measured by peak flow meter, simple equipment used to check how well your lungs work, increasing need to use a bronchodilator - treatment open the airway by relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract.

Indeed asthma can be transmitted from generation to generation in a particular lineage, but remember, God sends down a disease, and Allah was lowering the cure, not merely the disease exists but there is no solution, therefore you must make sure that there must be a cure any disease only if our efforts to get the maximum recovery until we get or find appropriate treatment method to cure the disease that we suffer.

Some of the signs or symptoms characteristic of asthma: the person is: Difficult breathing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath (especially chest), breathing sounds (wheezing), Sneezing, coughing, and itching.
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